
[tagline text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut”]You like the Parallax Effect? Then you will love our Theme![/tagline]



[tagline]Parallax Section[/tagline]



[section parallax=”on” bgimage=”http://web-rockstars.com/honey/wp-content/themes/honey/images/bg/herobg.jpg” class=”” id=”” style=”” bgrepeat=”repeat” inner=”on” bgpositionx=”center” bgpositiony=”center” bgfix=”on” bg=”” bg2=”” margintop=”” paddingtop=”” paddingbottom=”” height=”600″ color=””]

Rocking Parallax Sections

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore




[tagline]Default Section[/tagline]



[section bg=”#3F1266″ color=”#fff”]


[testimonial_grid columns=3 items=6]





[tagline text=””]Section with Google Maps[/tagline]



[section inner=”on” ]
[map width=”100%” height=”600px” saturation=”-100″ hue=”#9900ff” gamma=”0.31″ lightness=”-11″ markertitle=”Here we are”]



[tagline text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut”]Horizontal Parallax Section[/tagline]



[section horizontal_parallax=”on” bgimage=”http://web-rockstars.com/honey/wp-content/themes/honey/images/bg/herobg.jpg” class=”” id=”” style=”” bgrepeat=”no-repeat” inner=”on” bgpositionx=”center” bgpositiony=”center” bg=”” bg2=”” margintop=”” paddingtop=”” paddingbottom=”0″ height=”500″ color=””]

Horizontal Parallax?

Yes, of course! With our section shortcode it’s very easy to add horizontal parallax sections.



[tagline text=”Change backgrounds, color, content, padding & margins”]Fully customizable Sections[/tagline]



[section bg=”#3F1266″ color=”#fff” paddingTop=”100″ paddingBottom=”100″ marginBottom=”0″]

[animated_number start=”0″ delay=”0″ end=”15623″ speed=”2000″]

Twitter Follower

[/one_third] [one_third]

[animated_number start=”0″ delay=”0″ end=”9361″ speed=”2000″]

Business Clients

[/one_third] [one_third_last]

[animated_number start=”0″ delay=”0″ end=”1272″ speed=”1500″]

Private Clients


Direct Your Visitors to a Clear Action at the Bottom of the Page
